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Vest-Pocket Gardens/Parks

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Vest-Pocket Garden/Park is a small area usually less than 3 acres providing open space experience of respite from the city.

The Cultural Landscape Foundation

Reverand Linnette Williamsom Harlem Garden New York City

Vest-Pocket Park 128th and Fifth Avenue,

Reverand .Linnette C. Williamson Memorial Park, built in 1965 as the very first vest-pocket park in Harlem, New York. Linnette Williamson (1923-1990) was the Reverand of the Christ Community Church of Harlem and a native of Jamaica. She assembled support for a vest-pocket park of West 128th street between Fifth Avenue and Lenox Avenues where three city owned lots were chosen to begin public spaces. These parks were viewed as models of inner-city open space design across the United States.

1995 the first vest-pocket park in New York City (one of the three from 1965 remaining is pictured above) and in the nation was renovated by the Rev Linnette C. Williamson Memorial Park Association, Inc, and others including VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America).

Other Examples of Vest-Pocket Gardens/Parks

NOTE: Celebrating Gardening with Pearl Cleage & Green Bronx Machine

“In My Granny’s Garden
by Pearl Cleage


Green Bronx Machine…

We grow vegetables…
and our vegetables grow students, schools, and communities!

Plus –

Blackberry Farm’s

