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Winter is a Time for Tea.

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“Oolong (wūlóngchá) means black dragon in Mandrarin. The twisted shape oolong resembles a dragon, hence the name oolong tea.” Gina, Head Blender, August Uncommon Tea

There are three reasons why you should get into oolongs.

Gina, Head Blender, August Uncommon Tea


Oolongs have a Unique Flavor

Unlike other teas, oolongs are the mature leaves (rather than young leaves) from the tea plant. Over time, oolong leaves acquire flavor and depth from their particular soil and climate. This is why oolongs, like wine, have terroir.


Oolong Promotes Healthy Metabolism

Oolongs have been proven to help with weight loss. Researchers are still trying to understand exactly why oolong teas promote weight loss and healthy metabolism more than other teas or caffeinated drinks.


You get More Bang for your Buck

You get more cups of tea from oolong leaves because of their age, size, and shape. We’re talking 3-5 very flavorful infusions. Next time you brew an oolong tea, reinfuse the leaves multiple times. Some people claim that the second and third infusions have the best flavor. (Gina, August Uncommon Tea references several studies)

Try These August Blends:

If you love oolongs, maybe it’s time for a new blend. If you haven’t had oolong yet, give one a try. (Gina, August Uncommon Teas)

Avalon – Burnt Apple Oolong Tea

Beltane – Apple Blossom Oolong Tea

Dark Iris – Peach Pistachio Oolong Tea

Wild Heart – Smoky Lavender Oolong Tea