Merry & Happy Everything!
Buoyant * Cheerful * Thriving
Exploration of Enjoyment…
(Thank you for your patience – working on blog wonders)
Hope & Wonder of Winter…
HOPE, Cristina Mittermeier (above photograph) HOPE (book above) is a universal hymn reminding us that we all are part of the same humanity and despite everything that separates and divides us, we have, deep within us, the desire for communion, peace, and harmony. CRistina MITTERMEIER
Holidays in Bonita Springs
Quite Festive… Sangria-La Springs and Bonita Springs Downtown Restaurants and shopping…
Holiday Traditions…
ERepublik December 13th there is a Croatian tradition for families to plant wheat seeds in a bowl and place it under the Christmas tree as a symbol of new life, fertility, and renewal. As the wheat grows in height it will determine the prosperity of the new year. DT
Going to the Slopes…
More Holiday Treats… Customized with a likeness of any breed of dog. Ho Ho Ho Cream Puffs & Present Brownies
Gifts That Give Back! Conscious Step Socks
Too Early to be Prepared for New Year’s Eve? Caviar Kit – (caviar not included) – ideal addition to any caviar purchase for a 2025 New Year Celebration – creme fraiche, mini billinis, petite toasts along with a Zabar small insulated tote.